Magical Chronicles: The Secret World of MGS in JGS

Hi, my name is Viraj, I am Student of prestigious school JGS. Where the subjects are English, Math’s, Science, Social, Telugu, Hindi, Computers, Robotics. Guess what, this is for the outside world, even my father thinks the same. Let me unveil a big secret of my life. Inside JGS there exists a hidden and enchanting place called Magical Grammar School (MGS). It’s a secret school filled with magic and wonder, and only a few of us special kids with extraordinary talents are selected to attend. Allow me to share what they teach us at school. Our day starts like any…

Viraj and the Mountain of Munchies

Once upon a time, in a small, cheery village nestled between a giant mountain and a beautiful blue ocean, the people lived happily. The mountain was as tall as the clouds, and no one could climb it, no matter how hard they tried. The ocean, on the other hand, was so broad and wild that even the biggest ships couldn’t sail across it. The waves would simply push them back to shore. But, you know what? The people didn’t mind. The kids loved to play in the sand and sea during the day, and at night, they’d scramble up the…

A Tale of Chocolate Lakes and Lollipop Trees

Once upon a splendid time, in two very different worlds, lived two amazing kids. Anjali, a delightful girl with a heart full of cheer, called the Magic Candy Village her home. It was an enchanted place so colorful and inviting, that it seemed like a dream spun from the imagination of a child. The village had a glistening chocolate lake that was always deliciously warm, lollipop trees that bore juicy, multicolored candies all year round, and the ground was carpeted with crunchy wafer pebbles. Even the stones were made of all kinds of sweets, from tangy taffy to minty hard…

The Girl with the Ever-Growing Hair

Once upon a twinkling, there was a cheerful girl named Nisha. Nisha had hair so lovely it shimmered like gold under the sun. But there was a twist! Every morning, Nisha woke up with her hair grown long, as long as a snake. It was a curious problem, you see. Before she could go out to play, she had to cut her long, luscious hair, only to find it grown back again by the next morning! This hair puzzle was quite a challenge for her. In school, instead of marveling at her unique hair, some of the other children would…

The Magical Golden Fish

Once up on a time there used to be a group of sixty-four fish in a beautiful ocean. One of them had a magical power to speak. They used to enjoy every day by playing and going to school. In their school they used to teach the fish how to swim, how to dance and how to catch and eat small worms. They used to have a beautiful playground with beautiful trees, colorful sand, slides, and benches to sit and chat with each other. The name of the magical golden fish is Niko. Niko used to stay with her parents…

Viraj The Dangerous Monster Slayer

Once upon a time, in a dark and eerie forest, there lived a gigantic monster that had a frightening craving for devouring children. This monstrous creature had big, glowing red eyes that glimmered in the night. It was covered in a spooky purple color that sent shivers down your spine. The creature had extremely sharp teeth, like the sharpest of knives, which it would use to bite off hands and legs. Its strength was as powerful as a thousand elephants, and it was always hungry, with a particular taste for kids. The monster was clever and set up a haunted…